January 14th 2025
Providing great customer service at your medical practice boosts revenue and patient satisfaction.
January 2nd 2025
Got a patient who's abusing your staff, ignoring your advice, failing to pay his bill? When you realize it just isn't going to work, it's usually best to let the patient go. Here's how to do it correctly.
December 5th 2024
Gratitude, if it is genuine, can organically lead to greater reimbursement.
October 16th 2024
AI is poised to revolutionize the patient’s and the clinician’s journey, from initial symptom assessment to long-term care management.
October 7th 2024
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
Turning Issues into Opportunities at Your Medical Practice
Another year has passed where you meant to make changes at your medical practice, but didn't. Here's how to act in the moment and make true change this year.
How Physicians Can Best Utilize Facebook
It’s time to take a serious look at what Facebook can do to spread the word about your medical practice and provide value to your patients.
Communication Tips for Physicians
Hone your skills to create positive relationships with your patients and improve care quality.
Why Should I Market My Medical Practice?
Marketing is a powerful tool that physicians can use to build up their practices and foster improved professional relationships.
Physician-Patient Communication Tips when Using EHRs
EHRs sometimes strain physician-patient communication. Here's how to ensure that doesn't happen to you.
Medical Practices: The 2012 Year In Review
A few of the important practice-management lessons of 2012.
Nurse Practitioners Meet Growing Healthcare Demand
The challenge of meeting patient demand for primary-care services in the coming years is simple: nurse practitioners.
Health IT Gadgets Great, But Concierge Medicine about Personal Touch
Growing health IT innovations may put more space between physician and patient, a stark contrast to concierge medicine, which strives for a closer relationship.
Tips for Communicating Bad News to Patients
Communicating bad news to patients is one of the most difficult tasks physicians face. Strategically communicating can help. Here are some tips.
When Patients Approach Physicians Outside of the Office
Whether it is employees at the hospital where I round or people at the mall, patients constantly approach me with care-based questions outside of the office.
Single-payer Healthcare is the End Game of Reform
As the Affordable Care Act moves forward, it is inevitable that consumer-driven healthcare is its goal. Here's why.
Key Lessons from Top Physicians Practice Blogs of 2012
A recap of this year’s most popular blogs and some of the key lessons that can be learned from each.
Respectful Physician-Patient Communication
Make sure you give your patients your full attention and resist the temptation to multitask on your smartphone. Forcing them to compete for your presence tells patients they come in last on your list.
How Physicians Can Communicate to Increase Patient Adherence
Successfully communicating with noncompliant patients is one of the most difficult tasks physicians face. Strategic communication can help. Here are some tips.
Physicians Can't Help Patients Who Can't Help Themselves
The key to better patient compliance can be found in one simple question, I've found: "So why are you here?"
How Physicians Can Find the Right Focus with Social Media
Social media is a powerful method to promote your medical practice. Here’s a story of how it can go wrong and how to avoid frustration.
Top Physician-read Blogs of 2012
The blogs that garnered the most attention among our physician readers in 2012, and some of the lessons learned from each.
The Medicare AWV: Protecting Patients' Wallets and Health
There are two main obstacles to seniors taking advantage of preventative services and the solution lies with physicians.
Looking at the Positives of Running a Medical Practice
I often write about when things go wrong at my medical practice, but it's time to focus on the positives for a change.
Holiday Decorating At Your Practice: Be Festive Without Offending
When the holidays roll around, how do you decide to decorate your practice? Here are some quick tips and thoughts to keep in mind.
Create a Medical Practice Website in Two Easy Steps
Getting started with your own medical practice website or blog can be intimidating. Here’s a free tool that flattens the learning curve.
Valuing Time and Personalized Care via Concierge Medicine
Don't diminish the value of your time as a physician. Concierge medicine can help make the most of that value and realize true patient revenue.
It's Time for Patients to Become Responsible Healthcare Consumers
From paying our practice's no-show fee to requiring a referral, patients get angry at policies we make them well aware of. It's time for some responsibility.
Protecting Your Practice, Patients against Ominous Healthcare Trends
Here are three primary reasons today’s physician must always be thinking of what’s next in marketing, promotion, and practice in general.
Marketing Your Medical Practice
There are many misconceptions about what it takes to be effective in marketing a medical practice. The best approach is to have a plan - a comprehensive, written marketing plan.
What to Do with Patient Gifts, Treats at Your Medical Practice
Over the next month, your office will be inundated with treats and gifts for your medical staff. How much is enough? Here are some options to spread the goodwill.
To the Family Physician Who Helped Make My Family: Thank You
When Patients Place Blame, Physicians Hear it First
How did doctors’ offices become the scapegoat when a prescription is not refilled or otherwise there when the patient shows up to the pharmacy?
Why You Need a Medical Practice Cancellation Policy
With all of the upcoming holidays, a well-written and enforced cancellation policy is a must at your medical practice.
Hurricane's Impact Crippled My Medical Practice
Hurricane Sandy shut down my medical practice for days, but luckily everyone is OK and business is returning to normal.