
Why Physicians Should Practice Medicine in Louisiana


Louisiana is as culturally rich as it is hot and humid, and cardiologist Robert Freedman rarely imagines practicing anywhere else.

Louisiana is home to 'gators, swamps, Cajun food, and plenty of southern charm - and it's where the heart is for cardiologist Robert Freedman, who practices in Alexandria, La. Freedman, whose father was the first cardiologist in Alexandria, offers plenty of reasons for practicing in the Pelican State.  

What do you enjoy about practicing medicine in Louisiana?

It's home. Alexandria is a smaller city, but as far as medicine, I have a very high-tech practice in a nice, comfortable environment. In a smaller town, people know you. It makes for a good situation. In Louisiana, we have great food, as you know. That leads to a fair amount of coronary artery disease though. We're pretty busy as cardiologists.

What, if anything, don't you like about practicing in Louisiana?

Nothing. I'm just a happy camper. I've been in practice about 30 years now. The main downside is primarily outside perception. Young physicians and their wives are mostly trained in larger cities and don't think they could be happy in a more bucolic setting. But in terms of technical support, professional collegiality and personal physician-patient relationships, it is a very satisfying place to practice.

If you could practice medicine in any other state, where would you and why?

California, I guess. Just for location, Napa Valley might be nice. But I'm just very happy here.

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