
Why Physicians Should Practice Medicine in Arizona


Practicing medicine in sunny, desert-landscaped Arizona has a lot of benefits, but it’s not without some challenges, according to pathologist Moneil Patel.

Pathologist and general practitioner Moneil Patel practices in a few cities within the Phoenix metropolitan area including Tempe and Scottsdale. And while he admits practicing in Arizona has a lot of great perks, there are some big challenges, too, such as treating patients who cannot afford high-quality care.

What do you enjoy most about practicing in Arizona?

I enjoy practicing in Arizona for several reasons. First and foremost as one of the fastest growing areas in the country, the demand for healthcare is very strong in Arizona. As the geriatric population continually increases, Arizona provides several incentives for retirement here which attracts the largest growing demographic. Typically this population requires more care. The quality of life, lifestyle, weather, and cost of living all figure into why Arizona is such an attractive place for physicians to practice including me. I came from Los Angeles where cost of living and competition in the field of medicine was fierce. 

What, if anything, do you dislike about practicing in Arizona?

There is a decent-size population, particularly in the Phoenix metropolitan area, that cannot afford proper healthcare or do not have insurance. As a physician I feel bad for these patients as they cannot get quality care. Some of these patients are actually traveling to Mexico to get treatment. 

If you could practice medicine in any other state, where would it be and why?

I would prefer to practice in California. Most of my family resides there, and again quality of life is important to our family. Although the demand for physicians is not as great in California, it is one of the most ideal locations to practice in.

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