October 2nd 2023
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
February 20th 2023
January 16th 2023
January 13th 2022
Don't let a short month burn you out.
November 10th 2021
Just like any routine or habit, it takes practice, commitment, and consistency.
So You Want to be a Part-Time Physician?
Part-time employment can afford physicians greater work-life balance and a reprieve from burnout. Here's how to successfully transition.
Developing Greater Stress Resiliency in Medical Practice
The less stress you experience, the greater your ability to provide compassionate care, engage positively with your staff, and improve decision making.
Physicians Make the Most of Their Summer Vacations
With Labor Day fast approaching, we asked our editorial advisory board about the highlight of their summer.
Five Ways Physicians Can Stay Buoyant
Don't let the grind get you down. Here are five ways physicians can be more energetic in their day-to-day lives.
Listen Up! Podcasts for Physicians
A practicing physician recommends 5 of his favorite podcasts to listen to during his daily commute or lunch break.
10 Ways Physicians Can Find the Time to Stay Fit
As a busy physician, you say you don't have the time to stay fit? Here are 10 ways that will help you find the time.
Reduce Stress and Run Your Practice Better
Part 1 of a 2-part series on developing a more stress resilient brain and being able to more effectively run your practice.
Physicians, Is It Time to Adopt a New Sport?
A healthier physician is able to better care for her patients. Here are a few sports you could take up to make your life more active.
Six Ways Physicians can Improve their Patience
A lot of things hold your attention, but when it comes to patient care, patience is a virtue. Here are ways to improve that virtue.
Keep Physicians, Staff Happy in a Changing Environment
The government's involvement in medicine has made it harder for physicians and staff to stay happy. Here's how to keep things upbeat at your practice.
Part Two: A Physician's Asset Protection Makeover
The next chapter in a physician couples' risk management overhaul sees them getting proper life and disability insurance.
11 Ways Physicians Can Stay Active
With medicine's increased demands and time constraints, doctors are less likely to practice the healthy lifestyle they preach to patients.
The Damaging Culture of Medicine and Physician Suicide
While admitting burnout isn't a problem for most doctors, many won't concede they need to see a mental health professional.
Surgical Missions are a Rewarding Experience for Providers
This Physician Assistant recommends practitioners partake in a surgical mission in a third-world country, as he found it to be a rewarding experience.
A Physician's Asset Protection Makeover
Asset protection and risk management tips to help physicians stay up to date in an area where one misstep could prove costly.
4 Ways to Maintain Sanity during Tumultuous Times
In times of tumult, it's easy for physicians to get caught up on every single issue making the news. This is the wrong approach.
Study: Young Physicians Happy With Career Choice
Despite administrative burdens, stress, and long hours, a new survey reveals that younger physicians remain driven to practice medicine.
Physicians, Too Busy for Vacation? Try These 3 Tips
Using locum tenens physicians is one strategy to ensure that your practice keeps running while you are on vacation.
Doing Business with Family is Risky
Without asset protection, physicians face a litany of risks in both their personal and professional lives.
Physicians Find Relief from Burnout in DPC
Feeling burnout symptoms, physicians nationwide are changing their practice models to subscription-based clinics.
Busy Physicians Can Reach Their Step Goals
Reaching 10,000 steps in a day is a good way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and even for busy practicing physicians, it's doable.
Pros and Cons of Switching to A Subscription Practice
If you are feeling burned out from the demands of insurance, EHR documentation and more, consider a subscription practice. Here's the good and bad.
10 Tips for Using NPs and PAs to Curb Physician Burnout
Employing NPs and PAs is becoming more prevalent in the wake of the physician shortage epidemic, here are some ways to utilize these practitioners in a meaningful way.
Strategies for Reducing Physician Burnout
For some physicians, reducing burnout requires a major shift in how they practice medicine. For others, it's simply taking a deep breath.
Creating a Medical Practice Employee Social Media Policy
Every business needs two social media policies: One for its official social media communications, and one for employees' personal social media communications.
3 Ways to Best Use a PA at Your Practice
Many experts say that PAs are a good way for physicians to reduce their workload. Here are three ways your practice can best utilize them.
Can NPs and PAs Help or Harm Burned Out Physicians?
Everyone agrees that physician burnout is a major problem. What's less certain is the role that NPs and PAs can play in curing it.
9 Ways Physicians Can Cure Burnout
Burnout is a serious issue for many physicians. Here are nine ways that can help restore their passion for medicine.
Boredom is the First Step to Burnout
Physician burnout is often caused by one consistent factor: boredom. Here's what you can do to liven your work life.
Why Do We Choose to Become Physicians?
Altering patient focus can help physicians re-ignite their fire and stave off burnout.