
Busy Physicians Can Reach Their Step Goals


Reaching 10,000 steps in a day is a good way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and even for busy practicing physicians, it's doable.

You've probably read by now that sitting is not so good for people and that walking is great, specifically 10,000 steps daily. At that number of steps, we can maintain our current weight, improve circulation, and develop a healthy appetite.

Did you know that the average person requires about 60 continuous minutes to walk 10,000 steps? Invariably some people will lament, "I don't have an hour today to walk 10,000 steps." Not so!

Even physicians who are busy running their own practice can find ways to reach10,000 steps.  Here are a variety of ways you can get in your 10,000 steps regardless of how hectic your days might otherwise be.

1. While it's useful to walk 10,000 steps on one outing, perhaps you can divide up the task. Maybe you can walk for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 in the evening. Or, 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes around lunch time, and 20 minutes in the evening.

2. If you work at a stand up desk you have the opportunity take more steps during the day versus those who are seated the entire time. Today a variety stand up/ sit down furniture is available. I myself have such a desk. During that time you're standing, you tend to make far more quick trips around your practice, handle things that require filing, pick up new items, and so on.

3.  As often as you can, walk down the hall, even if for two minutes before you return to your office. Walk purposely to the water cooler or restroom. Take the stairs whenever you're going down one or two flights. Use the stairs when ascending one flight. In little ways you can increase the number of steps you take in the course of a day without even recognizing the accumulated benefits.

4. Stop seeking the parking spot nearest to your practice's entrance. Instead park further away so that you will have to have more walking time to get to your destination and back. If you are going shopping at a mall or strip development, walk the length of the mall and back before or after making your purchase.

By making small adjustments you can increase the number of steps you take each day. You might reach 10,000 without even thinking about it.

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