January 31st 2025
We can make physical activity a vital sign like blood pressure, weight, and pulse by regularly screening patients for inactivity and providing inactive patients with resources to promote physical activity.
November 7th 2024
These are the real reasons consumers prefer telehealth, and they might surprise you.
November 1st 2024
Evidence shows that patients who feel they are not heard or respected by their doctors experience poorer outcomes.
October 14th 2024
Five tips to ensure better documentation and, along with it, better patient care and improved reimbursement.
September 17th 2024
Physicians, and employers, need to start taking financial toxicity seriously.
Peak end rule and its health care implications
Providing patients a positive experience, especially toward the end of the doctor-patient encounter, can pay dividends.
Medical costs need to be prioritized in patient care plans
Over-treatment or low-value care represents approximately $75 to $100 billion in wasteful spending annually.
Practice tip of the week: Decreasing patient wait times
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
Mark Cuban venture partners with Price.com
The two companies will provide consumers with a platform where they can compare drug prices.
Advising on longevity
There's no finish line when we talk about healthy lifespan extension.
Data's role in personalized care
Digital health technology has the potential to transform wellness and improve patient outcomes.
Generative AI's role in elevating patient care and self-management
These new technological tools can help you bridge the health literacy gap.
The role of in-home services in primary care
Aging population, escalating costs drive demand for care at home, but challenges remain
A patient's perspective on the "15-minute appointment"
If your practice is looking to attract new patients or retain existing patients by respecting their time, read this.
The need for honest stories in patient care
Through storytelling we can create empathy and earn trust.
Harnessing apps for a new age of patient care
Caring for patients with autoimmune diseases is a team sport. Here’s a way for technology to tie your team together.
How healthcare providers can combat disparities in heart health right now
Health disparities tied to race are especially significant when it comes to heart health
Practice tip of the week: Can You Discharge Patients with Unpaid Balances?
Texting and patient-centered care
Patients want more convenience. Are you ready to accommodate them?
10 Ways to deal with patients in crisis
Being empathetic and respectful are keys to defusing potentially dangerous situations with patients.
Practice tip of the week: How to make a great first impression at your medical practice
MGMA Leaders Conference 2023: 4 Tips for reducing “low value care”
Payers are seeking to eliminate payments for care they deem unnecessary.
Practice tip of the week: Communicating bad news to your patients
Discussing prescription prices with patients
A one-minute conversation can have an enormous impact.
10 Ways to provide your patients with great customer service
Providing great customer service at your medical practice boosts revenue and patient satisfaction. Here are 10 tips.
8 Tips to improve patient satisfaction
Best practices for figuring out what patients want from your practice.
Why medicine needs greater context
The outsized influence of social drivers on health
Practice tip of the week - Online Marketing: How to get more patients
Weight loss medications and the need to prioritize patient safety
Recently, demand for medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro, including their off-label use, has skyrocketed in the wake of enthusiastic celebrity endorsements.
What your practice can do about medication safety
With the right medication management, physicians can make a difference
Reducing downtime to maximize patient care
What are a few key steps that medical practices and physician groups should take to reduce the amount of downtime they have and maximize their uptime?
3 Points where patients need help with their medication
Studies consistently show patients’ health outcomes are connected to their ability to access, afford and adhere to their medications.
Bringing the real world into the exam room
Why whole-person health begins with non-clinical needs.
Care guidance and your practice
Care guidance supports physician practices and at-risk organizations to achieve health equity objectives and succeed in value-based care.
Why physicians must lead the care team
The health system must rethink its strategy to enable primary care providers to develop better game plans for chronic disease patients, such as people living with type 2 diabetes.