July 5th 2023
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
November 5th 2020
Opening a successful private clinic is hard, and you’ll need help along the way.
September 29th 2020
Consumer demand, the shift to value-based care, and the regulatory push for transparency are fueling the need for seamless integration and data sharing only achieved with cloud-based interoperability.
September 8th 2020
A model for re-focusing on the value stream through your existing resource pool.
August 20th 2020
A needle-free Covid-19 vaccine delivery option will help ensure greater compliance.
Large Expenses Just a Part of Running Your Own Medical Practice
When you run a medical practice, some months you may have extra funds …and some months there are big bills to pay.
Stopping Staff, Physician Tardiness at Your Practice
Addressing patients who arrive late is one thing, but when members of your medical practice staff, including physicians, are tardy, it's time to take action
Reducing Paperwork at Your Medical Practice: 3 Solutions
Here are three solutions to reduce paperwork and improve the health of your practice by ensuring that patients receive more personal care and attention.
The Art of Patient Scheduling at Your Medical Practice
Here are some tips that will streamline the scheduling process allowing the physician, patient, and front office to perform at an optimal level.
The Value of Learned Industriousness in Medical Practices
If you want greater productivity, profitability, and patient and physician satisfaction, look no further than "learned industriousness."
How to Code, Negotiate After-Hours Reimbursement at Your Practice
Here's why you should seek - and more importantly, how to code - reimbursement for after-hours services at your medical practice.
Using a Management Coach to Improve Medical Practice Performance
Sometimes getting help from a management coach is what your practice needs to improve performance. Here's what coaches can do and how to choose the right one.
Physicians Must Be Prepared for All Kinds of Patient Behavior
Medical practices are like any service-based profession, so there are bound to be unhappy, uneducated, or just plain strange customers.
Whose Job Is It? Your Medical Practice Biller or Front-Desk Staff?
Here are some tips to divvying up the billing and front-desk responsibilities in a fair and balanced manner at your medical practice.
Pros and Cons of the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model
Patient-Centered Medical Homes are good for healthcare, but medical practices should also be realistic about the model, if it is truly a good fit, and its results.
Wellpoint’s HIPAA Violations Highlight Technical Compliance
The insurer's recent settlement with HHS should be a reminder to physicians that a lack of HIPAA safeguards can result in serious issues for their practice.
What May be to Blame When Medical Practice Staff Lacks Initiative
Medical office staff is particularly prone to learned helplessness. Here's why.
Patient Balances: Get Them or Get Ready to Close Your Practice
Patients often blame your practice when they have a balance due, but it is their responsibility and critical to your business' success. Here's how to bridge the divide.
Sunshine Act Shedding Light on Physician-Pharma Rep Relations
Health reform will bring more transparency to the physician-pharma rep relationship. Here's how your practice can comply and still maintain business as usual.
Avoid the Pitfalls of Centralized Document Scanning for EHRs
The three most important questions to ask before sending paper records to to centralized scanning.
Dealing with Late and No-Show Patients
Patients who show up late, or not at all, can cause major problems at your medical practice. Here's how to address the issue and prevent future instances.
Your Next Medical Practice Hire: Pre-Employment Screening Tips
When you are looking to bring in a new hire to your medical practice, are you comfortable with how you screen? Here is a great addendum to your current process.
Settling Conflict between Your Medical Practice Employees
There will be personality clashes or arguments between members of your medical practice staff. Here are some tips to reach a resolution and reinstate teamwork.
Addressing Barriers to Delivering the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit
Here are four top barriers physicians face when considering the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit for their patients and how to overcome them for better outcomes.
Consider Antitrust Laws Prior to Entering Healthcare Collaborations
Collaborations between physicians and other healthcare entities can be beneficial …but they can also violate federal and state antitrust laws.
Medical Practice Productivity Pitfall to Avoid: Rework
Here are three types of rework practices encounter, and how practices can mitigate them.
How Practice Managers Can Alleviate Physician Stress
A smart administrator knows that taking the pulse of her practice is vital to heading off bad attitudes and cranky docs.
Without Trust, Healthcare Data and Information May Be Meaningless
Trust is an essential element of medicine. Trust is also an important consideration when dealing with computers, data, and information.
Surviving at Medicare Rates: An Exercise for Physicians to Consider
Here's a five-step way to calculate the cost of your common procedures and decide if lower reimbursement is actually fatal to your medical practice.
Why Poor Customer Service Continues in Medical Practices
Despite training and numerous resources on good customer service, the opposite occurs regularly in medical practices. Here’s my theory why.
Recent HIPAA Activity Underscores Importance of Compliance
Two recent HIPAA violations, and a looming compliance date, mean now is the time to ensure privacy and security policies are in place at your medical practice.
Why My Medical Assistant is Invaluable to My Medical Practice
My practice's medical assistant recently went on vacation and it was only in her absence that I realized the true impact she has for me and my patients.
Three Characteristics of Ideal Medical Practice Staff
When hiring for your medical practice, you want staff to treat patients as if they were the patient themselves. Here are three traits to look for.
The Diabetes Epidemic ― PA's Can Be Practice Leaders
No single provider can tackle the challenges that diabetes presents alone. That's why PAs and a team-based approach to healthcare will play such an important role.
Hybrid Concierge vs. Direct Pay: Considerations for Physicians
Direct pay is an emerging model of patient care facing skepticism from many practicing physicians. Here's where I think it stacks up against concierge care.