November 19th 2024
De-escalating situations and emotions can settle disagreements between staff members.
February 8th 2023
Why concierge medicine may be the solution, not the problem.
January 3rd 2023
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
December 19th 2022
December 5th 2022
The Physician Financial Adviser's Hippocratic Oath
As physicians, we take the Hippocratic Oath to swear that we uphold specific ethical standards. Don't you want a financial adviser who has done the same?
Dealing with Deadly Diseases: 6 Ways to Prep Your Practice
With all the media coverage of Ebola and enterovirus D68, there are several things your practice can do to ease patient and staff concern. Here's where to begin.
Heroes Stricken in the Line of Duty at Dallas Hospital
Two nurses exposed to the Ebola virus in Dallas should not be scolded, as the CDC has done, but praised for their dedicated service to the public.
Three Ways to Deal with Toxic Medical Practice Staff
The key to dealing with problem medical practice employees who question your decisions is moving quickly to fix the behavior. Here's what I recommend.
Study: PAs Good for Patients, Good for Practices
A new national poll not only validates physician assistant care, but verifies what I've known about my profession for years.
Too Many Priorities: A Drag on Many Physicians, Managers
In this day and age, so much is competing for our time and attention. Here are a few ways to keep from getting bogged down at your medical practice.
Healthcare's Perfect Storm of Greed and Incompetence
Physician sellouts to hospitals, hospital cabals, clueless and complicit regulators, lawmakers, and reporters create a perfect storm of greed and incompetence.
Avoid Physician Hiring Horror Stories at Your Practice
In the spirit of Halloween, I've identified three common physician hiring horror stories. Here's how you can avoid them.
College Costs: 3 Common Mistakes Physician Parents Make
Over the years, I have seen many physicians make mistakes when planning for their children's education costs. Here are three of the most common.
Understanding CMS' Open Payments Portal
CMS has unveiled its Open Payments website, revealing gifts to physicians. Here's what you need to know about the site and its information.
Six Tips for Hiring a Physician Assistant
From reviewing state laws to understanding reimbursement, the American Academy of Physician Assistants offers six tips to hiring a physician assistant.
Seven Ways Physicians Can Creatively Manage Time
If you or your medical staff follow the same routine every day, you could be wasting large chunks of time.
Questioning My Decision to Become a Physician
Despite all the roadblocks to career fulfillment, my original, idealistic view of becoming a physician is still relevant and meaningful to me today.
The Primary Care Scare
Crisis, real or manufactured, feeds politics and the press. In the real world, we have real problems and need real solutions. One is the primary care scare.
Effectively Minimize Medical Staffing Costs
The most common concern raised about medical practice staffing is cost. I would argue that other factors should be looked at first.
Physician Assistants: The Profession by the Numbers
This infographic, from the American Academy of Physician Assistants and Barton Associates, give you the data behind the physician assistant workforce.
Six Ways Independent Physicians Can Stay Independent
I recommend that physicians think long and hard before selling to hospitals. In the meantime, here are a few steps they can take to maintain their independence.
Physician Investing Mistake: Too Much Focus on Returns
Trying to compare your investment returns to any given benchmark can be misleading and lead you down the wrong path.
Eight Facts about Physician Assistants for Patients
Eight facts about physician assistants that your medical practice can use when discussing these providers with patients.
Physicians: Use the Open Payments Portal to Your Advantage
The insanity of CMS' Open Payments portal might benefit physicians. The key is a little civil disobedience to demonstrate the true value of physician time.
Five Strategies to Boost Medical Practice Income
It is time for physicians and their staff members to develop strategies to help their practices survive and thrive.
Governors Association Prioritizes PA Training, Education
It is gratifying to see the National Governors Association come to the realization that PAs can help solve patient access problems.
Twenty Truths about Stress for Doctors, Administrators
For most medical professionals, stress is a fact of life. Still, understanding more about it and how to deal with it can help ease the burden.
Why ACOs are Failing
Three more Pioneer ACOs have dropped out of the program proving that you can't get real results without real change.
PAs and NPs: 4 Legal Considerations for Practices
Demand for nonphysician providers has grown exponentially, but not all medical practices are taking the proper precautions and considerations.
Medical Practice Sales: 8 Legal and Financial Issues
There are many legal and financial issues beyond the mechanics of the sale transaction that planners must address with medical practice owners and executives.
Three Ways to Keep Physician Candidates Interested
Don't stop your physician search too early. It's critical to keep back-up physicians interested while you wait to see if your first choice pans out.
Balancing Patient Need and Safe Prescribing
With insurance changes and the increase in use of controlled substances, it can be hard for physicians to separate the drug seekers from those truly in need.
Why Physicians Should Not Put Assets in a Spouse's Name
High-income earners sometimes transfer substantial amounts of family assets to their nonworking spouses. Here's why this is a big mistake.
Understanding Hospital-based Coverage Contracts
Here's an overview of hospital-based coverage contracts involving physicians and five key compliance tips to keep in mind.