Rigidly sticking to the traditional way of doing things can be detrimental to staff wellbeing.
That’s not the way we do things here!
You’ve asked a clinician in your care group to do something differently.
That person objects.
You’ve heard it before: ‘That’s not the way we do things here!’
Or you see anger or frustration in the other’s face.
What would you like to happen here?
You decide your own intention. Possible directions here include:
Address their anxiety or fear
What does this do for you and your practice?
Healthcare is more complex, uncertain and turbulent than ever before. These conditions inevitably cause distress. People were already stressed! Turbulence ratchets up discomfort.
The resistance may be fear. Will I be able to do it? Will it make the rest of my job harder? They have to give up the familiar, comfortable ways of doing things. They’re already rushed like crazy to do necessary tasks.
Anxiety and distress also jeopardize care reliability and safety.
Addressing the emotions underneath resistance is the best way forward. Emotions, not logic, drive our behavior. The perceived threat must be reduced or removed.
People need reassurance, support, psychological safety. They need information and support so they see how they can do it with ease. They need to know they don't have to be perfect. They want to know you’ll continue to value and support them.
We are always threatened by status. Our brain is always scanning – Is this person more important than I am? Less important? Imposing changes sends the signal that individuals have no say, no control over their work. This threat is magnified for people in groups with histories of being ignored, excluded, considered lesser. Anxiety or anger rises because it triggers old bad feelings.
You can soften the resistance and increase the sense of safety by knocking down the high, hard walls of rank between you.
Your approachability and reassurances also help them feel included. You make a critical shift:
From I’m here to judge and blame you
To I’m here to support you. If you have a problem, it’s our problem.
They’ll be more likely stay in the game despite discomfort.
Nance Goldstein, MDc, ACC, PhD, partners with physicians as a leadership coach to find ways through today’s tough times and enjoy medicine more.