Publishing your first book - Promoting your book
The final part of our four-part series on publishing a book and raising your profile.
Coding: Physical exam vs. annual wellness visit
Can you tell the difference between an annual physical exam and an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV)?
Publishing your first book - Navigating the contract with the publisher
Part three in our four-part series on publishing a book and raising your profile.
Forgo strategic planning at your own peril
Smishing: “Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water.”
It's like phishing, but it targets your cell phone through text messages.
Publishing your first book - Crafting an effective book proposal
Part two of our four-part series on publishing a book and raising your profile.
How much do prior authorizations cost you?
They cost you a lot more than you think.
Publishing your first book - The query letter
Publishing a book could raise the profile of both you and your practice.
August issue of Physicians Practice digital edition released
The monthly collection of insights from the Physicians Practice Pearls writers.
A word of caution for departing employees and their employers alike
Patient information or data cannot be utilized without a patient or consumer’s knowledge or consent.
Managing household employee lawsuit risk
Physicians, and two-income couples in particular, are increasingly relying on household employees to help manage their work-life demands.
Identifying the litigious patient: Watch for these red flags
A medical liability case can be a source of anxiety within your practice and personal life.
Enhancing doctor communication
Improving communication can have a positive impact on patient relations and satisfaction.
Avoiding problems with mergers
The process of merging physician groups can go off without a hitch, but this is not always the case.
Who owns your practice?
Who should own your practice? Let’s look at the evolving landscape.
Personal risk management - Domestic employees
A look at the personal legal and financial risks of household employees like nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, and babysitters.
Inertia in healthcare: Overcoming resistance (friction)
Inertia can manifest in various healthcare scenarios where established traditions and routines hinder the adoption of new approaches.
Messy Moments: Feeling safe enough to speak up
You want everyone to feel they have a say, even when it may surface a problem, so they’ll stay.
False claims act settlements underscore honesty as the best policy
Despite the outside temperatures, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and whistleblowers have been busy.
Unintended consequences: Remember thalidomide
In medicine, every action has the potential to impact patients' lives.
Introducing the newest feature on Physicians Practice
The digital edition of Physicians Practice launches today!
Navigating medicine's fast lane and slow lane
Finding the right speed for your practice.
Considerations before entering a joint venture
Sometimes, collaborating with another business that is able to plug the gap can be the way forward, giving you credibility as you move into a new area.
Asset protection in the news: Part five
We're entering the 100 deadliest days.
Healthcare primer on NFTs
Recently, a digital artwork sold for $69.3 million.
Have a better day: Make your bed
Advice for life from a Navy SEAL.
Lessons learned from Lego
Building with Lego can be similar to a career in medicine.
Most read 2022: Physicians and self-prescribing: Just say ‘no’
Although it’s often easier and faster to provide medical care to friends and family, physicians should learn to say “no” more often.
I have five years left to live
One man's story about the need to take a step back.
A surgeon's* perfect day
The potential result of having an ideal day: You feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction and you have put burnout on the back burner!