
Outsourcing Marketing for Your Medical Practice


Social media management and marketing are important components in generating new patients. Should you leave them to chance, or bring in an expert?

Do you outsource administrative or support functions at your practice?

Most practices outsource at least one function. Maybe it's billing or outbound patient reminders or insurance eligibility checks? At the very least you are likely outsourcing cleaning and laundry services for your practice.

Your reasons for outsourcing are probably because it is more cost effective, faster, and so that the people who are really good at it can make it happen for you.

All good reasons to outsource. But the question begs to be asked, what about your marketing? •Do you have someone in your practice that specializes in marketing?

• Who helps make the decision about which demographic group to target with your advertising?

• What kind of promotions you will run?

• How do you decide to bring in more new patients to your traditional or concierge practice?

Social media management and marketing outsourcing are hugely beneficial to your practice. Chances are there isn't a social media or marketing expert on staff in your office, and since getting patients in the door is key to maintaining a practice, marketing should not be overlooked. Services vary and generally cost less than a part-time employee, and have BIG impact on clinic growth.

Most practices fall on one side or the other when it comes to outsourcing; there seems to be very little in-between. You're looking at this list and thinking, "Wow, I would love to outsource all of these tasks," or you're looking at it thinking "I would never do that."

What is the difference? Typically control.

If you do your research and find reputable outsourcing companies at a reasonable cost, the only hurdle left for you is giving up the control over these tasks and trusting a service to run with them.

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