April 9th 2024
Don't wait! Make sure your wealth is protected.
January 23rd 2024
With tax-day right around the corner we take a final look at scams, mistakes and seasonal risks to avoid while you still can.
August 21st 2023
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
July 25th 2023
A look at the personal legal and financial risks of household employees like nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, and babysitters.
May 8th 2023
Four Insurance Coverage Tips for Doctors
The great basic tenet of insurance is to plan for the small possibility of a large loss. Here are some of my other insurance tips for doctors.
Smart Ways to 'Bargain Shop' for MedMal Insurance
Physicians have a great opportunity to bargain shop for high quality malpractice insurance. But they must remember their priorities, and above all, buy quality.
Tax Scams Targeting Doctors: Frivolous Arguments
The end of the year is a time when doctors begin thinking of ways to reduce their income tax exposure. Be wary: it is also a time rife with abusive tax plans.
The Physician Financial Adviser's Hippocratic Oath
As physicians, we take the Hippocratic Oath to swear that we uphold specific ethical standards. Don't you want a financial adviser who has done the same?
Liability Checklist: Buying a Medical Practice
Physicians who buy a medical practice assume a large spectrum of risk beyond their personal medical malpractice liability.
College Costs: 3 Common Mistakes Physician Parents Make
Over the years, I have seen many physicians make mistakes when planning for their children's education costs. Here are three of the most common.
Liability Issues for Sellers of Medical Practices
Selling a medical practice involves vital planning issues beyond the sales transaction. Liability and risk management planning should be part of every financial plan for sellers.
Mega-groups Present Opportunities for Small Practices
Here are 10 advantages of joining a physician-owned mega group.
Physician Investing Mistake: Too Much Focus on Returns
Trying to compare your investment returns to any given benchmark can be misleading and lead you down the wrong path.
Medical Practice Sales: 8 Legal and Financial Issues
There are many legal and financial issues beyond the mechanics of the sale transaction that planners must address with medical practice owners and executives.
Why Physicians Should Not Put Assets in a Spouse's Name
High-income earners sometimes transfer substantial amounts of family assets to their nonworking spouses. Here's why this is a big mistake.
What Physicians Should Know About Irrevocable Trusts
The key difference between a revocable living trust and an irrevocable trust and when and why physicians should consider using them.
Physicians Targeted by Income Tax Fraud Scheme
Physicians in Texas and nationwide are the focus of an income tax fraud scheme. Here's what you need to know to protect yourself and your finances.
Healthcare Investments: Ask the Right Questions
Every investment or venture into which a physician enters must be carefully scrutinized to assure compliance with several state and federal laws.
What Physicians Should Know About Living Trusts
Living trusts exist in almost every estate plan, yet their uses and meaning are vague to most. Here is some guidance.
Estate Planning Tips for Physicians: Wills vs. Trusts
Most estate plans contain both a will and a trust or trusts. While both can name beneficiaries for your property, the differences sometimes cause confusion.
Why Your Medical Practice Needs a Good Banker
There are a variety of financial products of particular relevance to medical practices. Make sure to get the guidance you need to use them wisely.
Are Your Assets Protected? Six Common Mistakes Made by Physicians
Physicians should have a strong understanding of asset protection. Here are six common mistakes to avoid.
The Current Malpractice Insurance Market: Coverage Red Flags for Docs
From inadequate cyber insurance to poor RAC audit coverage, many physicians are purchasing policies that could result in big losses down the line.
Six Common Physician Retirement Planning Mistakes
I have seen physicians make many expensive mistakes during the retirement planning process. Here are a few of the most common.
Finding Work-Life Balance for Physicians Usually Means Sacrifice
Being able to decide how many days you want to see patients is great for raising kids. But, it can cramp the family budget. How do you balance both?
Under Proposal, CME Speakers No Longer Exempt from Sunshine Act
CMS is proposing to withdraw the Sunshine Act exemption for payments made to healthcare providers who serve as speakers for accredited CME programs.
2014 Great American Physician Survey Results
Get unique insight into the personal and professional lives of physicians through the results of the 2014 Great American Physician Survey, Sponsored by Kareo.
Understanding Trusts: The Basics for Physicians
Many physician families that have done estate planning have a "living trust" in their documents. Here's how it works and what it is useful for.
Exit Strategies for Doctors: Common Legal Mistakes to Avoid
Many doctors are working on selling their practices. Here are four common legal areas that could pose problems.
Planning for Physician Retirement: Are You Saving Enough?
Finding the right balance between saving and spending differs for everyone, but there is one good rule of thumb to follow.
CMS Seeks to Repeal Sunshine Act Exemption for CME
An attempt by CMS to repeal a Sunshine Act exemption for payments made to speakers at accredited CME events has physician associations hopping mad.
Picking the Right Retirement Plan for Your Medical Practice
A closer look at how retirement plans differ, how they work, and how to determine what is right for your practice.
Medical Student Debt Exposure Extends to Family Members
Becoming a guarantor for medical student loans can place undue strains upon family income and assets. Develop a plan first, before committing to help a loved one.
The Dos and Don'ts for Physicians When Forming an Investment Portfolio
Determining where and how to invest is often a challenging process. Here are some tips for physicians.