Thinking About Partnership
Wondering about taking on a partner? Think twice before signing on the dotted line.
Stricter Stark Enforcements
CMS has implemented changes to the rules that cover Medicare's hospital inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) which will affect physician-hospital referrals and ancillary arrangements.
Keeping it Real: The Point-of-care Lifestyle
Point of care, strictly defined (by me), is a mindset, a discipline, a systems approach where patient encounters are conducted in real time.
Using Templates Well
Templates are a useful tool for documenting the evaluation and management service, but remember, they can also make it very easy to document a higher level of service than provided.
Understanding CCHIT Certification
For physicians, the government's potential promise of over $40,000 for the implementation of an EHR has caused many who have stood on the brink to finally take the plunge.
Stop Losing Money on No-shows
Most practices breathe a sigh of relief when a patient fails to show up for his appointment. But, those unfilled appointments add up quickly. Here's how to plug the holes in your schedule.
Get Involved in Healthcare Reform
It’s not too often that physicians can really come together on policy issues and make their voices heard, but there is no better time than now to do so!
Payer Take-backs, Take That!
Payer requests for refunds for incorrectly processed claims are endemic. But wait! There are some things you can do before you write that check.
Overcoming the Challenges of Being a Female Physician
There are real challenges that face women who choose to be doctors. Many of them center on issues of respect and achieving work-life balance.