As physicians across the country get their practices reopened and back to the new normal, we examine COVID-19 infection liability waivers and their effectiveness in managing patient infection lawsuits.
As physicians across the country get their practices reopened and back to the new normal, we examine COVID-19 infection liability waivers and their effectiveness in managing patient infection lawsuits.
Coronavirus infection liability creates significant professional and personal legal risk for doctors. From family practices to cosmetic surgery, practices are struggling to survive a recession with a combination of reduced patient volume to due fear of infections and lockdowns; labor shortages; and now, a massive number of unemployed, hence uninsured, patients. We’ve followed a variety of risks since the crisis emerged, including a look at the ways a global pandemic threatens the solvency of medical practices and additional COVID-19 malpractice risks including shifting standards of care as more states are now operating at or near their crisis contingency plans.
Shockingly, practices across the country are taking very different approaches to protect their patients and staff. One Scottsdale medical professional told me about her own recent medical visit to her physician; no pre-screening, no temp check, no signage about not entering if sick, no social distancing, and no masks. She asked her doctor why they weren’t taking those basic precautions and he responded, “Well, we haven’t had any cases in here yet”. My response was that a doctor’s office should be at least as hard to get into as an Apple store, which recently required every single item on the list above of me, before I could enter.
A well drafted waiver can be one part of a risk management plan but like most asset protection strategies, should not be relied upon as complete protection on its own. Waivers cannot provide a shield against recklessor intentional conduct and are typically only effective against mere “negligence”. Waivers may be frowned upon by courts, are construed in favor of the plaintiff and may also specifically be void for public policy in certain settings. As such, waivers should narrowly comply with state law and should be professionally drafted. Other layers of protection should always include insurance and fact specific legal tools.
Obtaining informed consent about COVID-19 infection risks and all its other potential effects on patient treatment is another vital affirmative defense and waivers are always more effective when backed by it. Effective informed consent forms and procedures DO NOT merely add a line about infection risk, seek professional guidance and document this additional communication carefully.
Think broadly and advise patients of possible treatment delays that may occur due to their illness, staff illness, local law (lockdowns, elective treatment restrictions), hospital bed availability, PPE availability and other issues beyond your control.
Ike Devji, JD, has practiced law exclusively in the areas of asset protection, risk management and wealth preservation for the last 16 years. He helps protect a national client base with more than $5 billion in personal assets, including several thousand physicians. He is a contributing author to multiple books for physicians and a frequent medical conference speaker and CME presenter. Learn more at