WiFi is an attractive feature for guests in the waiting room. Just ask this patient who squatted on his practice WiFi network for months.
8 tips for hiring members of Gen Z
Discover how Gen Z’s emphasis on mental health, digital fluency, and flexibility compares to Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials—and what it means for building a thriving, multigenerational healthcare workforce.
Ep. 54: Medicare cuts and physician challenges with Norman K. "Kip" Beals III, MD
Norman K. "Kip" Beals III, MD, joins the show to discuss the evolving landscape of health care reimbursement — and how physicians can weather the storm.
Physicians Practice digital edition: Integrating payments
Your monthly collection of insights from the Physicians Practice Pearls writers is available now!
Ep. 46: Social media health information with Richard Miller, MD
Psychiatrist Richard Miller, MD, of Elwyn Adult Behavioral Health in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, discusses how to talk to patients about health information they get from social media.
Successfully implementing AI into your practice: A strategic and tactical approach
How can organizations bridge the gap between AI’s potential and its acceptance among providers and staff?
Practice tip of the week: How to mentor doctors
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.