A major contributor to medical office inefficiency just might be the dreaded Everyone's-Job-But-No-One's-Responsibility Syndrome.
A major contributor to medical office inefficiency just might be the dreaded Everyone’s-Job-But-No-One’s-Responsibility Syndrome.
Sad but true, sorry. Many practices tout their teamwork and the fact that everyone pitches in, but when this happens on a regular basis, inefficiencies and compromised outcomes can abound. And while cross-training and supporting fellow team members is a good idea, sometimes people pitch in at the cost of completing their own duties. The result? When a problem emerges, it’s hard to pinpoint who did what.
Does your office clearly define the responsibilities for which each individual is held accountable? For example, if Mark is helping Jessica manage a sudden spike in billing calls when his real responsibility is data entry and electronic claims submission, you must ask yourself if he is the right one to assist her. Does he have the skill, the time, and sufficient self-accountability? Can you track this accountability? These are important questions to answer. Also:
Evaluating the essential tasks in the office, distributing the workload evenly, and making sure the tasks are performed consistently among staff will promote teamwork in a way that makes sense.
Judy Capko is a healthcare consultant, speaker and author of the popular books, “Secrets of the Best Run Practices, 2006” and “Take Back Time, 2008.” Her focus is practice operations and strategic planning with an emphasis on patient-centered strategies and valuing staff contributions. She is a popular speaker at both national and regional conferences. Judy is the owner of Capko & Company, www.capko.com, based in Thousand Oaks, Calif. She can be reached at judy@capko.com.