Here are three tips to how physicians can improve relationships with their practice management teams from expert Charlie Hauck.
Consultant and coach Charlie Hauck of Growth Dynamics provides three components of building strong relationships between physicians and practice managers.
For more information on improving physician-manager relations, receive a free guide from Growth Dynamics including information on a DISC assessment and the basics of behavioral style, as well as an opportunity to receive a complimentary profile from their coaches.
And to help settle staff disputes at your medical practice, see the October 2014 Cover Story, "Addressing Medical Practice Staff Conflict."
Reducing burnout with medical scribes
November 29th 2021Physicians Practice® spoke with Fernando Mendoza, MD, FAAP, FACEP, the founder and CEO of Scrivas, LLC, about the rising rates of reported burnout among physicians and how medical scribes might be able to alleviate some pressures from physicians.