10 small ways to provide great customer service to patients
Providing great customer service at your medical practice boosts revenue and patient satisfaction.
Ep. 47: Weight loss drugs with Robert Kushner, MD
Robert Kushner, MD, professor of medicine and medical education at Northwestern university joins the show to talk about the latest advancements in treating obesity.
Practice tip of the week: Making the most of value-based care
Your weekly dose of wisdom from the Physicians Practice experts.
Ep. 46: Social media health information with Richard Miller, MD
Psychiatrist Richard Miller, MD, of Elwyn Adult Behavioral Health in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, discusses how to talk to patients about health information they get from social media.
Making your website compliant for patients with disabilities
This is the best way to see that your website is continually up-to-date and complies with the ever-evolving ADA regulations and guidelines.
3 recent HIPAA enforcement actions.
“Cybersecurity is patient safety” and the continued downstream implications for the use of PHI for other unlawful purposes including insurance fraud and predatory practices targeted at minors are significant.