I am having trouble with my current practice management and billing system. I want to change vendors, but how do I decide who to go with? They all seem expensive. Would it help to pick a company with headquarters near where I live? Is it possible to just submit claims electronically to the insurance companies or do I have to go with a clearinghouse?
Question: I am having trouble with my current practice management and billing system. I want to change vendors, but how do I decide who to go with? They all seem expensive. Would it help to pick a company with headquarters near where I live? Is it possible to just submit claims electronically to the insurance companies or do I have to go with a clearinghouse?
Answer: There are so many options.
I’d start by writing down or otherwise making it very clear to yourself what you don’t like about your current vendor and what you want the system to do. Clarifying your needs will make it easier to eliminate some vendors.
I would not be overly concerned about location. Frankly, most players these days are national companies, and you don’t necessarily have more influence as a local.
Apart from looking just at price, look at return on investment. A robust company may get you more cash in the door, thereby more than justifying the associated cost.
Most vendors do partner with a clearinghouse. I suppose you could go around them, but my sense is that you’d be spending a lot more time figuring out how to send claims, where to send them, and how to understand the results. I suspect it’s penny-wise but pound foolish to go on your own.
What you do want is a good clearinghouse.
Search “clearinghouse” at PhysiciansPractice.com to find tips on selecting a good one and to get a list of vendors.