As patient volumes grow, digital front doors can be a boon to your practice.
As COVID-19 descended upon unsuspecting communities, businesses, schools, all non-essential services closed down and sought sanctuary. Most surgeries, medical procedures, and appointments were halted and indefinitely delayed or even closed. Options became extremely limited—at times nonexistent—and many were left with no recourse on where to find answers to health concerns.
Once the quarantine cover was lifted, life began its slow crawl to the slightest sense of normalcy. An unexpected consequence was the cumbersome and lengthy wait times felt in clinics and doctor’s offices. Not only were patients faced with the threat of a global pandemic, but they also had to deal with the fact that the protracted time needed to schedule and secure medical care was an added obstacle. To add, the health care worker shortage continued, overworked staff and stretched-thin resources carried on past the pandemic and burdened physicians and all related medical staff.
Regardless of whether a patient's needs are considered essential or non-essential, access to health information—timely and accurate—is something everyone seeking medical care should have access to.