Looking to see if your staff salaries are in line with national benchmarks? Check out our national data on key positions in medical practices broken out by years of experience.
Are you paying staff in line with the national benchmarks? Here's our ninth annual Staff Salary Survey, where 1,082 respondents (practice managers and physicians) let us know how much each of their staff members earn. Here are a few highlights:
• Only 35.5 percent of practices have a registered nurse on staff, down from 45.4 percent the previous year. Also, there was a downtick in practices that had physician assistants (32.8 percent to 26.6 percent); nurse practitioners (40.5 percent to 36.9 percent); and care coordinators on staff (20 percent to 16.6 percent).
• Despite this, only 21.1 percent of practices say they have reduced staff over the past year.
• A whopping 87.2 percent of respondents say they will not add staff to adhere to the Medicare and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). The top reason why is because practices are planning on training current staff for MACRA-related roles.
• The number one staffing challenge for practices is increased workload and employees performing dual responsibilities (44.9 percent).On top of the national averages, be sure to read "Get More Out of Medical Practice Staff" to find out how practices are overcoming the fact that practice staff members are stretched out and have to take on an increased workload.Click here to download a PDF of this slideshow.
Reducing burnout with medical scribes
November 29th 2021Physicians Practice® spoke with Fernando Mendoza, MD, FAAP, FACEP, the founder and CEO of Scrivas, LLC, about the rising rates of reported burnout among physicians and how medical scribes might be able to alleviate some pressures from physicians.